Sunday 10 May 2015

My motivation

In November 2014 I gave birth to my beautiful baby boy, Samuel.

A few things abut pregnancy and motherhood surprised me...

1) How could a baby who was born weighing just 7lb 15oz result in me gaining four (yes 4!!!) stone in weight 
2) everyone tells you oh you're not're pregnant. I was definitely both 
3) when the baby's out, the weight sticks around. 
4) there's literally no time for exercise like there used to be 
5) walking miles with my pushchair just doesn't seem to be working
6) I'm spending a lot of time at home nowadays which means a lot of food and a lot of evening wine...

Before the arrival of Samuel I was horse riding, mountain climbing, challenge seeking skinny. I'd never really appreciated quite how skinny until Timehop. Talk about rubbing salt in my sounds, but each day I am reminded with skinny photos of my former self, and u can't  settle until she's back. 

So far I have tried giving up biscuits for lent. This was fairly successful and I definitely shifted a few pounds. But I soon gave in. I've tried bokwa, and I enjoyed it but I'm too tired for it most Thursdays   (poor excuse I know). I've tried to ride my two horses but quickly  learned that's a luxury I can barley afford the time for nowadays. 

So now... It's to time to get the big guns out. My husband and I are heading to Tenerife for a friends wedding at the end of June. My friends are lovely but they're all thin. And I'm not.........

So having been approached by a lovely lady in town about the great products of forever, I took the plunge and joined it as a business owner. A perk of this is access to great products, and the first on our purchase list was clean 9.....deep breath.... Here goes.....